Ranking and results Deejay Ten of Milan 2022 |Queen Athletics

2023-04-16 22:32:23 By : Ms. MIRA XIA

Posted on 10/10/2022 by Luca Landoni in Road running, Athletics results // No comment

Here are all the useful links to consult the rankings of the Deejay Ten run yesterday 9 October 2022 in Milan.Here the story of Linus and some curiosities about the race.It should be noted that the Endu website shows all times but can only be consulted in alphabetical order, as if to underline the non-competitive nature of the event. Emamectin Benzoate+Indoxacarb Sc

Ranking and results Deejay Ten of Milan 2022 |Queen Athletics

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Ranking and results Deejay Ten of Milan 2022 |Queen Athletics

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